Language Arts – Typical Course of Study

Language Arts 5th

  • * Silent and oral reading
    * Types of literature
    * Presenting original plays
    * Listening skills
    * Dictionary use for word meaning,
    analysis, spelling
    * Common homonyms
    * Homophones and homographs
    * Synonyms and antonyms
    * Using a thesaurus
    * Spelling
    * Plurals and possessives
    * Kinds of sentences
    * Parts of sentences
    * Cursive handwriting
    * Outlining
    * Paragraph writing
    * Writing letters, stories, reports, poems, plays
    * Preparing a simple bibliography
    * Proofreading skills
    * Parts of a newspaper
    * Using study materials: keys, tables, graphs, charts, legends, library catalogs, index, table of contents, reference materials, maps



Language Arts 6th

* Reading silently and skimming
* Critical reading skills
* Introduction to mythology
* Types of literature
* Lyric, narrative, dramatic poetry
* Listening skills
* Nonverbal communication
* Extending dictionary skills
* Vocabulary building
* Homonyms, synonyms, antonyms
* Using roots, prefixes, and suffixes
* Spelling
* Concepts of noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb
* Sentence structure
* Diagramming sentences
* Cursive handwriting
* Types of writing: narration, description, exposition, persuasion
* Simple note taking
* Writing outlines, letters, factual matter (reports, newspaper articles), verse (limericks, ballads), creative prose (diary, stories)
* Bibliography building
* Organization of a book
* Using reference books and indexes
* Using on-line information services, CD-ROM’s, and other electronic reference materials



Language Arts 7th

* Improving reading skills
* Literary terms
* Novels, short stories, plays
* Myths, legends, ballads
* Types of poetry
* Biography and autobiography
* Planning and producing dramatizations
* Speech activities
* Listening skills
* Refining dictionary skills
* Spelling
* Parts of speech
* Person, number, gender of nouns and pronouns
* Punctuation of conversation
* Clauses and phrases
* Compound sentences
* Writing descriptions, reports, journals, and letters
* Note taking and outlining
* Extending reference skills: atlases, directories, encyclopedias, periodicals, on-line information services, CD-ROMs, and other electronic reference material
* Library organization


Language Arts 8th

  •  Independent reading
  •  Literal, inferential, and evaluative reading skills
  • Literary terms
  • Novel, short story, narrative poetry
  •  Nonfiction
  • Biographies of great Americans
  • American poets and storytellers
  • Creative dramatics
  • Listening and speech activities
  • Advanced dictionary work
    >Dictionary Skills
  • Extended vocabulary
  • Figures of speech
  • Spelling
  • Infinitive, participle, gerund, predicate nominative, predicate adjective, direct and indirect object
  • Kinds of sentences and their parts
  • Functions of sentence elements
  • Writing simple business letters
  • Report-writing skills
  • Improving skills in using basic reference sources
  • Inductive and deductive reasoning

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