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July 23, 2011

Here we are back at our favorite state park again for a Saturday class. This time it’s about Woodpeckers!

As usual we arrived a bit early and Ms. Katherine was kind enough to let Austin (being the responsible 15 year old that he is) use her ZPix hand held microscope to show the littler ones all kinds of neat things she had prepared for a different class. Of course we just had to order one of our own ZPix once we got home.


At first we were the only ones there but a little while after the class started another family showed up. Ms. Katherine told us how to identify the different kinds of woodpeckers, what unique characteristics only they have, and in the above picture she explained why there is sap found around the outside of the woodpeckers nesting hole.

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Snacks for Snakes

Snacks for Snakes

July 10, 2011

After attending the “Snakes Alive” event at Martin Dies State Park, we just had to come back the next day to watch the snake feeding.


Arriving early (as we always do where ever we go) has been a blessed chance to explore the exhibits freely before others show up. Ms. Katherine took the time to show the kids her “Curiosity Boxes” full of neat things about nature, for example one contained an Owl Pellet which I mistakenly thought was scat at first.

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Snakes Alive!

Snakes Alive!

July 8, 2011


We LOVE Martin Dies Jr. State Park! We have hiked all their trails, our favorite is the Island Trail and we geocached there as well. I had noticed that they held classes on the weekends about nature. I have been wanting to go and attend one of these classes for a while now but with Stewart working Saturdays it just has not worked out, until now. I am very happy to say we managed to attend a class they held in the afternoon called “Snakes Alive.”

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Ms. Katherine is the Ranger who gives the class in the nature center and she does such a wonderful job! She involves the kids and adults, works hard to set up the nature center to be an interesting interactive learning center, not to mention she has a wonderful personality!

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Springs, Swings, and Things

Springs, Swings, and Things

May 3, 2011

Boykin Springs is one of our favorite places to visit for a quick hike. Today we went because a friend of mine had asked if we knew the condition of the park so of course I went to check it out. You know me, any excuse to hike!


A picture of me and my baby boy. I fussed at Stewart for never getting a picture of me and Adam.


Feels Like Spring

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Feels Like Spring

February 14, 2011

Oh, how I love the spring like weather. Prefect for being out in the great outdoors. We headed down to Woodville to Martin Dies Jr. State Park once again. It is one of my favorite parks always well maintained. We go to the bridge where we left off the last time we was here.


We spotted the prettiest little bird with a yellow spot on its back. It is a good chance it is a Yellow-rumped Warbler. The wonderful thing about the winter season walks is that we get to see bird that are not usually here except during the winter. CONTINUE READING…