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Baby Blue Jay

Backyard Ornithology – The Study of Birds

One of the best ways to homeschool science is to simply watch the world around you and learn!

I was outside giving my three big dogs a much needed bath when my son brings me a baby blue jay who had presumably fell from its nest.  He had it in a cage already with a pan of water. In his mind it was his new pet.


2016-05-12 baby blue jay (47)


I told him to just put it on the porch out of the reach of the dogs while I finished up my chore and cleaned up. I knew I needed to intervene of this little Baby Blue would not survive in human care!

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Hiking “Dead Roads”

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Hiking “Dead Roads”

The other day, out riding around and hiking in the national forest, we came across a series of “dead roads.” I was excited that we found new places to hike close to home! We looked at the map and started plotting where all these “dead roads” might lead and how we could walk for miles through forest by just following along these old roads that were no longer in use!

Dead Roads

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Geocaching The Big Thicket

Geocaching the Big Thicket

February 26, 2012

We wanted to go geocaching and Village Creek SP has several caches in it. We also love hiking the Sundew Trail and the Kirby Nature Trail and I wanted to put geocaches in the parks. We decided to make a day of it!

First stop was a park we like in Woodville. We walked around a bit before finding a place to hid a cache. While wandering, we noticed some Leaf Cutter Ants. These guys always make me think of:
Proverbs 6:6-8 Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise:Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest.


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Save Our American Raptors

February 25, 2012

Once again we headed off to Martin Dies Jr. State park for a program. This time it was a special treat. Doris Mager and her birds of prey was at the park today. In 1983, Doris created the non-profit organization, S.O.A.R. Inc, “Save Our American Raptors” to educate children about American Raptors.


She travels with several birds including her beautiful 20+ year old Great Horned Owl “E.T.” which stands for “Extra Terrific.”

Eat Your Cell !!

Eat Your Cell !!

August 5, 2011

We always enjoy projects in Science but I think the kids probably enjoyed this one more than most. It involved candy! In our book Exploring Creation Human Anatomy & Physiology we had to make a cell. We’ve drawing the cell all week but this one was edible!


I gathered up all the things I needed to make a cell. I kind of felt like a mad scientist in my kitchen! To make a cell it takes Lemon Jell-O, Knox Gelatin, and an assortment of candies.

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