Category Archives: Hebrew Roots

How We Celebrate the Feast of Trumpets!

The old testament commands a list of sacrificial offering to be given on this day but like I discussed in my earlier posts Keeping the Feast Days of the Bible & What is the Feast of Trumpets, there is no need for a blood sacrifice because Yeshua (Jesus) paid that price once and for all. And the Bible has no set of rules on HOW to celebrate the feast days since Messiah’s arrival over 2000 years ago. With no rules you have freedom to “keep the feast” pretty much however you feel draws you closer to God on His appointed days!

Feast trumpets

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What is the “Feast of Trumpets?”

Have you ever heard of the holiday “Feast of Trumpets” or maybe its Hebrew name “Yom Teruah?”  Maybe you have never heard of this holiday? Maybe you have but had no idea what it was even referring too? Maybe you have heard of it as Rosh Hashanah” a Jewish holiday. Whatever the case may be, I want to tell you a little bit about this Biblical Feast day!!

Feast of Trumpets

Biblical feast day? You mean it is somewhere in the Bible? Our Christian Bible? Yep!! It sure is!!!

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“Keeping” the Feast Days of the Bible.

There are so many different views on the Biblical feast days. Some say we have no need to observe them, some say we must follow every detail of the Bible concerning them, while others follow the traditions of the Jews when observing the feast days. But what is the “right way?”

Feast Days


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In Spirit AND Truth

I have been thinking a lot lately about my walk with God. Six years ago I was in the slow process of pulling out of mainstream Christian church, after having been attending a church off and on since I was 13. The reason for my leaving was because people in my church did not approve of my new found beliefs of Hebrew Rooted Worship.

Spirit and Truth

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Torah Portion – Kedoshim – "Holy "

Kedoshim | קדושים | “Holy “

The above links take you to Bible Gateway, feel free to change Bible Version to your preference or to listen to the audio!


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