Monthly Archives: May 2011

“Birds and the Bees” of a Flower

“Birds and Bees” of a Flower

May 5, 2011

Working in our Exploring Creation with Botany we had a project to “dissect” a flower.


At first we tried with small flowers. That was way to hard so we went to my moms and swiped a couple flowers from her to get some that was large enough to take apart accurately.

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Botany Test ~Monocots and Dicots~

Botany Test ~Monocots and Dicots~

May 5, 2011

Being the “not so typical school” that we are, when we test we usually end up with something like this:

After reading in our Apologia Science Book “Exploring Creation with Botany”  Lesson 2 ~Seeds~  and learning about monocots and dicots we needed to see if the kids understood what we went over. So out to a hiking trail we went!.

A monocot has a single cotyledon (seed part) like a piece of corn and a dicot has two parts like a bean. If the seed is not present you can look at the leaves to tell; monocots have parallel veins running vertically along the leaf (like grass) and a dicot has the “net” of veins spreading out from the main center vein (like most plants have). Monocot’s flowers usually have petals in sets of threes, where dicots have petals in sets of fours or fives.


“OK we are ready!” I don’t think I have to worry to much about them “freezing up” before a test!

-~~Continue Reading~~>

Mother’s Day 2011

Mother’s Day 2011

May 5, 2011

My wonderful children are procrastinators just like me. The night before Mother’s day they begged to stay up a little later because we had been off visiting family and didn’t get in till late and they did not have their computer time. I told them that was fine. I was unaware they actually wanted to stay up later to fix me a Digital Scrapbook Mother’s Day card.

The next morning Stewart snuck into the kitchen and cooked cinnamon rolls for breakfast and brought them to me in bed. Of course, I thought it was so sweet but I told him I will eat in the kitchen ( I only could see sugar and crumbs in the bed if I ate there.) Stewart called the kids to turn on their computers and they had all made me a scrapbook page and had put it as their background of their computers so when the PC’s were turned on that is what I would see. In Stewart’s words, “Welcome to the digital age, mom!” I thought they did such a good job. I had them “zoop” it to a flash drive so I could blog them.

Scrapbook 16


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Mothers Day Stress Relief Remedy ~Craft~

Mothers Day Stress Relief Remedy ~Craft~

May 6, 2011

So as I was surfing around on Facebook a few days ago, one of my favorite Blogger/Full Bible Christian/Homeschooler/Author friend Robin Sampson of Heart of Wisdom and co-author of “A Family Guide to Biblical Holidays” posted a link to this adorable little craft project and I just had to do it for my mom, sisters, and MIL for Mother’s Day.

I call it the Mother’s Day Stress Relief Remedy.

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Springs, Swings, and Things

Springs, Swings, and Things

May 3, 2011

Boykin Springs is one of our favorite places to visit for a quick hike. Today we went because a friend of mine had asked if we knew the condition of the park so of course I went to check it out. You know me, any excuse to hike!


A picture of me and my baby boy. I fussed at Stewart for never getting a picture of me and Adam.