Daily Archives: May 18, 2011

Slipping and a sliding

Slipping and a Sliding

May 7, 2011

We went to a birthday party and the kids played on a slip and slid. They had a blast!


Adam went at it 100% all boy but Anna wanted to be a little timid and tried to be more graceful.

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Torah Scraps ~Sanctifying the Name of God~

Torah Scraps ~Sanctifying the Name of God~

May 6, 2011


Emor : אמר – “Say”
Torah : Leviticus 21:1-24:23
Prophets : Ezekiel 44:15-31
Gospel : Luke 11:1-12:59

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“Birds and the Bees” of a Flower

“Birds and Bees” of a Flower

May 5, 2011

Working in our Exploring Creation with Botany we had a project to “dissect” a flower.


At first we tried with small flowers. That was way to hard so we went to my moms and swiped a couple flowers from her to get some that was large enough to take apart accurately.

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